func newBitVector[T](size: int; init = 0): BitVector[T] {...}{.inline.}
- Create new in-memory BitVector of type T and number of elements is size rounded up to the nearest byte. You can initialize the bitvector to 1 by passing any value other than zero to init.
func `[]`[T](b: BitVector[T]; i: int): Bit {...}{.inline.}
func `[]=`[T](b: var BitVector[T]; i: int; value: Bit) {...}{.inline.}
func add[T](b: var BitVector[T]; value: Bit) {...}{.inline.}
- Add an element to the end of the BitVector.
func cap[T](b: BitVector[T]): int {...}{.inline.}
- Returns capacity, i.e number of bits
func len[T](b: BitVector[T]): int {...}{.inline.}
- Returns length, i.e number of elements
func `==`(x, y: BitVector): bool
func `$`[T](b: BitVector[T]): string {...}{.inline.}
- Prints number of bits and elements the BitVector is capable of handling. It also prints out a slice if specified in little endian format.